Sunny Plants for Summer
Summer is upon us and hopefully we’re all enjoying warmer temperatures and plenty of sunshine. As we love to soak up the rays during the summer months (with plenty of SPF of course) so do some of our houseplants. We’re here to help you identify plants for bright light settings in the home so you can take advantage of those extra daylight hours. Read on to find out which houseplant will love soaking up that extra summer sunshine!
Sunny Settings
It may be sunnier outside during the summer months but you still need to identify places in your home where your plants can take advantage of the extra exposure to natural light. Here are a few places to consider!
- Bright rooms with several windows
- Covered outdoor patios
- West and south-facing windows and rooms
- Rooms with natural and artificial light (if needed)
Sunny Plants
These plants can handle full, bright light:
- Succulents like: Agave, Haworthia, Kalanchoe, Echeveria, Crassula
- Palms & Cycads
- Ivy
- Croton
- Yucca
These plants will thrive in indirect, bright light:
- Rex Begonia & Tuberous Begonia
- Spider Plant
- Orchids
- Anthuriums
Sunny Signs
Although the above listed plants are sun lovers, there are still signs to keep an eye out for to make sure your plants are not getting too much or too little sun.
Variegation - If your plant’s variegated leaf pattern begins to disappear over time, you need to increase light levels. In most plants, variegation is supported by light!
Stretch - The most common sign that a plant is in need of more light is stem stretch. If you notice your plant growing long, thin stems that are stretching towards a window or light source, move them to a sunnier spot.
Growth Rate - Plants require light to grow! If you notice that your plant has not put on new growth in a few weeks, try moving the plant to a brighter location.
Flowers - In most cases, flowering plants require bright interior locations to provide flower power. If you notice flower loss or lack of flowers altogether, it’s likely because the plant needs more light.
Sun Scorch - The age-old sign that your plant is getting too much light is sun scorch. Most of the time sun scorch causes random dry, brown patches on leaves exposed to the most light. While the damage cannot be reversed, your plant should be able to recover if you move it to a less intense location and allow the plant time to rebound.
For more information on summer care for your Max & Miles plants, check out Max's summer tips for orchids and tropical plants and Miles' summer care tips for succulents and foliage.
Once you’ve identified which of your plants thrive in bright light and ideal locations for them, all there is left for you and your plants to do is sit back and enjoy that summer sun!