Summer Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids
Summer is right on schedule with warm weather rolling in and humidity that won’t quit (unless you’re in that dry heat). Balancing sun, temperature, and humidity are key to helping your orchid through the summer, so check out our tips and enjoy the beauty of your Max and Miles orchid all season long.
Let the (Indirect) Sunshine In
Orchids love bright light, but direct sunlight can cause sunburn. Use a sheer curtain if needed to help diffuse the summer’s bright sunshine. Sheer curtains will block out the majority of harmful direct light and allow the right amount of sunlight in. Alternatively, you can place your orchid in a well-lit part of your home, keeping it out of the direct path of the sun.
Keep Calm (And Cool)
Your orchid may lap up the summer warmth (65-80 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day, but at night, it prefers to chill out to slightly cooler temperatures. When the sun goes down, make sure the room with your orchid cools to a temperature between 55-65 degrees Fahrenheit. If you use air conditioning or fans to keep your home cool, keep your orchid away from the direct flow of air.
Get Your Humidity On
Orchids thrive in humidity like that of their native tropics. If you live in a humid climate, you’ll want to give your plant plenty of exposure. Opening your windows after a storm will allow humid air to enter your home. If you live in a drier climate, try running a humidifier nearby or misting your orchid with water. You can also keep it in a bathroom if you have a window, so it can benefit from the steam from the shower.
We’re Here to Help
If you have any additional questions about orchid care, you can reach out to us on Instagram - @maxandmilesplants!